Gambar Ice Cream It would not be impudent to say that the next version of Google's Android operating system, version 4.0 aka Ice Cream Sandwich is being looked forward to by many a user. After all, this is one interesting operating system that [ ... Foto wafel original dengan es krim vanila dan saus coklat, bertabur potongan buah stoberi.
Gambar Ice Cream Gambar buatan anak labil. Ini yang bikin another side of icharaissa, which is seriously unmature and crazy. Haha. I wont tell u what actually said here, go learn korean alphabet yourself if u want to read it. ;p. Posted by Raissa ... Melalui apa yang diperlihatkan, ia menunjukkan yang mana Ice Cream Sandwich akan didatangkan dengan beberapa fungsi asas seperti kecilkan gambar, memusingkan gambar, terbalikkan gambar, menajamkan gambar ...

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